Carson Hausmann

Omaha Metro Executive Director

Carson grew up in a Christian household with parents that just wanted him to love Jesus. He got baptized when he was twelve, but he believed he could do anything he wanted as long as he said he loved Jesus. Everyone at church thought he was the greatest kid, but everywhere else, he was of the world. 

Carson says he was scissor-kicked by the Holy Spirit at camp one year about being a two-faced Christian and decided he would make a change. That change began when he took a mission trip with his sister to Haiti freshman year. The trip transformed him and made him realize there were so many people in the world besides just those in his hometown. 

When Carson returned from Haiti, it was time to start summer practices for football. He remembers sitting in the car waiting for the doors to open for the first morning of weightlifting at 5:30 and hearing the Lord say that just like Haiti, he needed to see his football team as a mission field. He felt skeptical, but he realized that a lot of his friends were lost in the world. So he devised a plan to reach out to all the “easy ones” first and stay away from the mean, scary guys. But the very first day, the Lord brought to Carson one of the scariest dudes on the team. He stayed at Carson’s house after practice the whole day, asking Carson questions about Jesus. 

That was the catalyst that got the ball rolling, and by the end of his senior year, Carson was able to baptize some of his teammates and bring a lot of them to youth group with him. His youth pastor saw this and encouraged him to pray about going into ministry, and he ran from that for a while, but the Lord showed him that the desire of his heart was ministry. Carson got a degree in Theology/ Youth Ministry at University of Sioux Falls and competed on the track team as well. The Lord has continued to cultivate his heart for ministry since then, and that is why Carson is passionate about working for Collision; he gets to share Jesus and see the kingdom advance.