Ashley Jucht
Sioux Falls Area Coordinator
Ashley had what she considered a typical childhood experience until sixth grade, when she started experiencing symptoms that were difficult for doctors to diagnose. After much testing, doctors eventually discovered ulcers in her stomach, a condition typically caused by severe stress that presents most commonly in older adults. Ashley missed school somewhat regularly, and she remembers a teacher accusing her of faking sickness.
The following year, Ashley started hearing talk of divorce at home, and she ended up suffering another round of stomach ulcers as her parents finalized the divorce, which was finally settled in November 2018.
After Ashley’s father got remarried in 2021, Ashley, her dad, and stepmom, lived together for a while, but tensions were high. During her senior year of high school, Ashley made the decision to move into an apartment with her older sister.
When reflecting on her life thus far, Ashley shares that she has found peace in many ways—that she has always taken everything that has happened to her and never wished someone else was in her shoes. She has confidence that God has a plan for her, and her story has made her who she is today. She lovingly recounts ways that God extended His arm toward her throughout her life, especially starting in sixth grade, when she started reading the Bible, going through devotionals, and attending church camps. She remembers feeling renewed when starting a more serious faith walk, realizing how amazing it was that Jesus died for her.
Ashley was also part of Collision in high school, and she loved the meetings, studying the Bible, and learning how to share the gospel; “I grew in my faith, and it filled up my cup.” She wanted to give back, so she started working as a campus staff member and enjoyed teaching all she had learned to a group of girls. Now as a Sioux Falls Area Coordinator, she enjoys continuing to train students in the tools that expanded her faith walk.