Anna Baxter

Orlando Area Director

Anna spent her early years in Atlanta, Georgia, from the age of three until she was a junior in high school. Growing up in the Bible Belt, she had a basic awareness of Jesus but lacked a deep understanding. She admired her older siblings’ joy from attending youth group and eagerly anticipated joining them.

Before her junior year, Anna's family moved to Gainesville, Florida, for her father’s job. Determined to find a church for her family, Anna spent a couple of months searching and eventually found one that felt like the right fit. It was through this church and its youth group that Anna first heard the full gospel of Jesus Christ. Previously, she viewed Christianity as simply reading the Bible and attending church, but now she began to grasp the essence of a personal relationship with Jesus. As her faith grew, so did her sense of community. However, she soon became involved in an unhealthy relationship, which led her to place her identity in the relationship rather than in Jesus.

After this relationship ended, Anna felt lost and uncertain about her future. A conversation with her father helped clarify her path. When he asked her, “What brings you joy?” she realized that photography was her true passion. With his support, Anna explored schools where she could develop her skills and eventually enrolled at Daytona State College, starting in August 2020. During the quarantine period, she used the time to deepen her relationship with God, which she found to be a timely blessing.

In October 2020, Anna connected with a new church community and began serving in their creative and youth ministries. Her experiences fueled her desire to impact middle and high school students with the gospel, aiming to be the leader she wished she had during her youth. In 2022, she graduated with an associate's degree in photographic technologies and was encouraged by her church to pursue further education. She then began a bachelor’s degree in religion with a minor in Next Generations Studies at Liberty University Online.

Through her years of service and involvement at her church, Anna met John Glasser via a church family connection. When she learned about Collision, she felt an immediate alignment with its mission. She started as a volunteer, and her role quickly evolved into a team position. Anna is excited about the opportunities Collision presents and is eager to see what God will accomplish through Collision in Florida.